High Impact Analytics Done Well.

High Impact Analytics Done Well.

Here is a framework and an approach centered on a different approach to defining requirements that works.  Most importantly, a successful analytics project is a partnership. The business users should want to help IT create an effective and robust solution and  IT...

Integers Still Rule

Integers still rule. There is a little debate or controversy regarding the right approach for assigning surrogate keys, assuming, of course you’re not mired in the debate whether or not to create data models in the first place. I guess if you aren’t creating data...

Modern Data Stack Platform Architecture

The following is an overview of the platform architecture used to facilitate the process of ingesting data into the Snowflake platform and transforming it into data models to facilitate a wide variety of reporting and analytics.  I recently developed this with a...
There is a Better Way.

There is a Better Way.

There is a better way. Many organizations, of all sizes, struggle to use analytics to improve their operations because of information “silos”. Silos occur when the applications that run different parts of your operations can’t communicate with each other. For example,...
Modern Analytics for Skilled Nursing

Modern Analytics for Skilled Nursing

Everyone is talking about analytics. And machine learning and AI. Everyone’s talking, but only some are doing, and few are doing well. You’d like to take a look and find out if analytics can make a difference, if you have the skills you need and if you can afford to...